
Letter From the President!?

This is just a quick post to share that I have recently discovered you can get a letter from the president addressed to your bebeh! I saw a post on Instagram (totally awesome app for iPhones) from a fellow mama who had just received hers, so I did some research. Even if you aren't a supporter of our president, it's a pretty awesome thing to add to your baby book, box o memories...whatever.

Baby has to have been born in the last 12 months, the request needs to be made AFTER baby is born and they could take up to 6 weeks to fulfill your request. Mail the following info to:

The White House
Attn: Greetings Office
Washington, D.C. 20502-1232

Baby's Name
Date of Birth
Your Name
Phone Number
Mailing Address

Or you can just fax your request to 202.395.1232

So there you go. I'll be sending off for Magnolia's todaaaaay!

Oh and I haven't forgotten that I said I would show how to make the wall art today. I just have a doctors appointment. Sheesh! Simmer down. So how about that...you'll get 2 blogs in 1 day!

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