I'm having a hard time figuring out where to focus this blog.
In the past week my Magnolia seems to be growing and learning by leaps and bounds which makes me want to document everything! But I would still like to include my little crafty projects. So I guess it will continue to be a mash up of whatever the heck I feel like rambling about.
Magnolia: She's soooo close to crawling. Tonight I stacked her little stacking cups up high and kept letting her knock them down. She thought it was hilarious and kept getting so excited when I stacked them. I moved them just out of arms reach and she got up on all fours and rocked and rocked. She wanted to move forward so badly, but her body just wasn't working with her. I gave in and moved it closer so she could reach and feel like all of her hard work paid off. But now I see that she will be crawling very soon. She will be 9 months in 3 days and still isn't crawling. I get worried sometimes when I hear of my friend's little girl that is a few days shy of 10 months and is already walking!! But Magnolia is my baby. I know she's not behind and I know all babies develop at different times. I'm enjoying these last few days/weeks of her being immobile. I say immobile, but she still seems to be able to get around the living room. Scooting, rolling, twisting, turning. The child does not stop!
Sunday, the 13th, we had The Dude's birthday party at the YMCA pool. He had a great time and I got to meet Lydia, his crush from his classroom. It was mid afternoon, so we just had juice/water and cake. I snapped some pics and will try to get them up this weekend. The hubs and I happened to catch Mags clapping while we were at the pool. It was really sweet and special that we actually got to catch her do this for the first time together. I know B feels like he misses a lot from working so much, so I'm glad he got to see that. Tuesday, the 15th we went to Hayden's school PTA meeting where the 2-3rd graders were doing little performances. We caught Magnolia clapping a few times along with the audience so it's looking like she's getting pretty good at it. We say "Yaaaaayyyyy" and she'll clap...most of the time.
It also seems that she's really becoming aware of who's who this week. Especially with Dada (Brian) and Papa (my dad). I'll ask her where they are and she seems to look in their direction. She's been babbling a lot this week and the majority of it is dadadadadadada....dadadada. I contribute this to my talking to her all the time about him. I'm pretty sure that's her first word. But until we are positive I'm not quite ready to document that one. :)
We got some new lil fluffy additions to our family today, but maybe I'll save them for their very own post. :)
I have to be disciplined and blog these things. I told B I wanted a journal this week so I can log our days. I don't want to forget a thing! But if I can just get better about blogging, and as long as you guys/gals don't mind reading it maybe the interwebs will do?
Happy Thursday Y'all!! <3
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